Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine

Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine
1 év a jótállási jegyen leírtak szerint
105 927 Ft + ÁFA
No festival can do without the attraction of cotton candy.
Just add a small amount of food colouring to conjure up cute colourful clouds. A smile is guaranteed.
Easy to take apart and clean.
With convenient drawer for sticks, sugar, dyes, etc.
Easy to operate.
Hendi 282731 Cotton candy machine

Stainless steel removable bowl, suitable for dishwashers.
The bowl is fastened by 4 secure clamps.
Motor housing finished with a pink coating.
Fitted with a drawer for sticks, sugar, dyes, etc.
Separate switches for power on and the heating elements, with integrated lamps.
Voltmeter showing actual voltage.
Sugar dispenser included.
Overload fuse protects the motor against burning in the event of a blockage.
Weight: 11 kg.

Size: 520x520x(h)480 mm
Product name
Vattacukor készítő gép a Henditől
Article No.
13 kg/pcs
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